The following Terms of Use apply only and only to the domain www.obesidadebrasil.ong.br, owned by INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL, registered with the CNPJ under No. 36.379.835/0001-41. The website undertakes to act in accordance with current legislation and to have the best practices on the Internet as a guide. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at faleconosco@obesidadebrasil.ong.br.
By accessing this website, you agree to the following terms:
1. Contract
This is a contract between you and INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL. This Agreement governs the use of the website listed above, whether for free access areas or for areas accessed only by registration. You confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and have reached the age of majority in the province, state or country in which you reside, and declare that you submit only correct information to the website listed above, under the penalties of the law.
2. Prohibition of commercial, illegal or harmful use
The website listed above and the contents published on it are protected by copyright, in accordance with current legislation, and are intended for personal use only. You can not use them for commercial purposes. You may not use them in a harmful way to third parties or to INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL, nor in a harmful way to its business partners and customers, those interested in its Internet pages or any third parties. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves the right to inform you about certain harmful forms or harmful uses of its Internet pages, by means of notifications, having, however, no obligation to provide such information before taking any action provided for in this Agreement . You may not use the website listed above in any way that violates laws, public morals, this Agreement or other provisions of this website – in particular its privacy policy.
You may not act in such a way as to overload or damage the website listed above or any other websites of INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL. You will be responsible for the damages that you cause, and INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may take, at any time, a return action for this purpose. You hereby declare that you are aware that INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL will denounce any and all disputes, disputes and disputes in which you are involved due to content submitted and/or conduct perpetrated by You. Any type of damage, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL will use the registration data as well as any other technical data that allow the identification of users and/or third parties, and you are aware that you cannot claim any breach of privacy in these cases . You understand and acknowledge that INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL also reserves the right to cancel, at any time, the registration of any user who violates these Terms of Use, in its sole and exclusive discretion, without any prior notice.
3. Prohibition of Spam
You agree not to use the Internet pages listed above to transmit, directly or indirectly, mass e-mail (electronic message), unsolicited commercial e-mail or any other form of spam. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may filter the sending of data between You and the website listed above, as well as take any other measures to block bulk emails and unsolicited emails.
4. Communication of content between you and the website
4.1. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL allows You to consult its pages on the Internet and authorizes the use of multimedia contents for personal use, allowing the printing of excerpts from these pages for exclusively personal use and recording on a personal computer, on a temporary basis, for personal use only É It is strictly forbidden to use or redistribute the contents contained on the website listed above in ways not expressly authorized on the website listed above. Violation of this obligation may constitute a criminal offense in the event of usurpation, counterfeiting or unfair competition. The reproduction of any trademark, logo, graphic, sound or image present on the above mentioned website is expressly prohibited, unless there is express authorization allowing such reproduction.
4.2. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves the right to modify its pages on the Internet without prior notice, and may prevent You from accessing areas, information and sectors previously available for public consultation. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL also reserves the right to allow access to certain pages or its contents on the Internet only upon specific payments.
4.3. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL allows You to send content related to the website listed above, only and only for the purposes defined therein and in the manner prescribed therein. Any content submission must comply, in addition to this Agreement, with the relevant regulation(s) contained in the above mentioned website. You represent that you understand that any submission of content will be done on a personal basis, and you assume full responsibility for the opinions and comments submitted to the above-mentioned websites.
4.4. Content published or provided by You, directly or indirectly related to the above mentioned Internet pages, enjoy permission, granted by the INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL, to use, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display and perform, reproduce, edit, modify, translate and reformat such content. You grant the INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL permission to sublicense such rights. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL receives content from you free of charge, and may remove them from your Internet pages at any time and without any justification or communication. By sending content to INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL, You declare that you have all the necessary rights to grant the authorizations provided for in this Clause. You further declare that the content submitted is not illegal or otherwise unpublishable; that all necessary and reasonable care has been taken to detect and eliminate any viruses or other elements capable of infecting or damaging the above mentioned website. You further declare that you will not take any judicial or extrajudicial measures against INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL on account of the content sent, and that you will indemnify INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL if third parties take judicial or extrajudicial measures based on the content sent.
4.5. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may, in good faith, monitor your accesses from an account created on your websites or other electronic communications, and disclose information about You to the authorities if you have reason to believe that this is necessary to ensure your compliance with this Agreement and to protect the rights, property and interests of INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL or third parties. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may prevent your access to its Internet pages at any time and without justification, either for security reasons, or because You have violated the terms of this Agreement, or because access to such Internet pages cannot be granted to the public, temporarily or permanently.
4.6. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may include in its pages hyperlinks to Internet pages that belong to third parties. By accessing third party pages through the hyperlinks offered, You agree to observe the terms of use and other rules of each of these pages before using them. You also acknowledge that INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL has no control over the content of these pages belonging to third parties, and is not responsible for them. The hyperlinks on the website listed above do not indicate approval, endorsement or commercial relationship between INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL and the owners of other websites, or of the products and services advertised, described or made available therein.
5. Information available from the internet pages
5.1. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not guarantee the accuracy or updating of any information available on its Internet pages, nor that such information will be kept available for free or paid access.
5.2. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL is not responsible for the use of such information, whether provided directly on its Internet pages, whether from e-mails, pagers, cell phones, mobile devices, Internet pages with an interface to the above mentioned website or others forms of transmission of content available on its Internet pages.
5.3. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not authorize the use of information available on its Internet pages for purposes other than personal use and expressly prohibits the use of such information for commercial purposes.
5.4. The website listed above does not recommend or endorse any particular service or product, or medical products or services. Nothing on the website listed above is intended to constitute professional advice of any kind.
5.5. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information contained on the above website is accurate and updated. However, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not provide any guarantee, express or implied, regarding the accuracy of the information contained in the above website, pursuant to clause 6 below. The contents of the website listed above relating to medical products and services, pharmaceuticals, insurance products or any other kind are not intended to replace, support or even subsidize in any way medical prescriptions, not merely informative and educational, it is essential that you should consult a healthcare professional or other qualified professional if you need this information. In particular, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not guarantee that the contents of the website listed above are free from errors or inaccuracies; when such errors occur, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL will have the prerogative to introduce improvements or changes at any time, at its sole discretion. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not authorize the contents of the website listed above to be used in any case for self-medication.
6. No guarantees
The website set out above is offered “as is”, without obligation of quality, performance and accuracy. No warranty or condition, express or implied, is made. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL disclaims any and all warranties or conditions, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose and accuracy; guarantees or conditions that access to its websites will be uninterrupted or error-free. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL expressly declares that it does not provide any guarantee related to expectations regarding the content, functioning or possibility of accessing its internet pages. In particular, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL does not guarantee the adequacy of the contents of the website listed above to support, support or even inform medical consultations or interventions, pursuant to clause 5 above.
7. Limitation of Liability
INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL is not responsible for any damages, including without limitation indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages, arising out of or related to this contract. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL is not responsible for damages arising from the use of its internet pages. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL is not responsible for damages arising from the impossibility of using its internet pages caused by the extinction of such pages, prohibition of access to them or charges for their use.
8. Changes to Internet pages
INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves the right to change its Internet pages, including the right to delete them, at any time and for any reason. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves the right to demand payments for access to certain content, pages or excerpts from its Internet pages, at any time and under any title. By using the above mentioned Internet pages, You may receive, access or use information, materials, graphics, software, data and content from INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL and third parties, always subject to the terms of this Agreement.
9. Software
Your use of any software provided to access the above website is governed by the terms and conditions of the license agreement that accompanies the software. If you receive any software without a license agreement, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL grants You a personal, non-exclusive, revocable at any time and non-transferable license to use the software solely in conjunction with the website set forth above and in accordance with this Agreement . INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves all rights to this software, as protected by law. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL or its suppliers own the rights to any software associated with the above mentioned website. The disassembly, decompilation, modification or any other use of such software is prohibited. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL can automatically check the software version, as well as automatically send software updates to your computer to update, improve and develop the above mentioned website.
10. Termination
INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may prevent You from accessing the above mentioned website at any time, without notice. You declare that you are aware of this possibility, and that information stored on the website listed above may be deleted at any time and for any reason, without prior notification.
11. Applicable law and jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by Brazilian law. If disputes arising from this Agreement cannot be resolved by friendly means, You consent to submit them to the Central Court of the District of São Paulo, waiving any others, however privileged they may be.
12. Entire contract
If this Agreement has any clause invalidated or suppressed by court decision, the remainder of the Agreement will remain valid, consistent with its original purpose.
13. Transfer of contract
INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL may transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time and to any third party, without prior notification to You. You may not transfer this Agreement or transfer or sublicense rights and obligations contained therein. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL with respect to the website listed above, replacing any prior or simultaneous electronic, oral or written communications or proposals with respect to the website listed above.
14. Copyright and trademark notices
All contents of the website listed above are protected by copyright and trademarks, owned by INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL and third parties. All these rights are reserved. The names of companies and products mentioned on the Internet pages listed above may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
15. Modification of this contract
INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices according to which it offers its pages on the Internet. You are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms, conditions and notices of this Agreement, as well as any additional terms published on any website of INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL. Your continued use of such web pages after the effective date of changes to this Agreement means that you have accepted such additional terms.
16. Complaints about rights violations
If any content on any page of INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL on the Internet violates copyright, image rights or any other rights, INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL undertakes to take all necessary measures to repair any illegal act that may have been committed. All complaints about violations of rights must be sent to the email address faleconosco@obesidadebrasil.ong.br, so that the appropriate measures can be taken. INSTITUTO OBESIDADE BRASIL undertakes to make swift and immediate efforts to investigate, identify and remedy effective violations of rights, but does not undertake to answer occasional queries sent to such email address.